Monday, April 30, 2007

Blog Update

I'm in the middle of having my main site, re-designed, and as a result much of the blog content is being migrated over here.

Full content should be live within a couple of days - it's sitting in storage at present ...

Thanks for reading this update ...


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

What happens when we choose to remain in the realm of our comfort zone? We neglect to take the opportunities that could otherwise expand our lives and create more joy, more value, and more benefit for both ourselves and others. The result? We remain where we are, forever wondering about how much greater our life would be if only we were to break free of our self-imposed shackles. The solution? To smash through the gremlin of self-doubt by understanding the values of courage, passion and determination.

Are You?

Wishing You Could Break Through Whatever’s Holding You Back?
Frustrated That You Could Be Achieving So Much More?
Prepared To Challenge Yourself?

Begin making the transformation today!

What’s In It For You?

Leave Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Behind
Make A Difference In Yourself And Others
Create Opportunities And Expand Your Horizons

By stepping out of our comfort zone, we find ourselves “stepping up to the plate” and revealing more and more of our innate potential. No longer do we look at ourselves through the lens of doubt, instead we wake up to the reality of our life and see the greatness that only we can manifest.

How do we achieve this? Simple – we get clear about our values and inspirations and transform them into compelling motivators for change. To begin with we ask questions of ourselves including: “What difference is it going to make?” “Who are the beneficiaries?” and “What opportunities may arise as a result?” This is where our values show up … then our inspirations … then over time, these turn into compelling factors that motivate us to the extent that we cannot not carry through with them. Result – the gremlin gets defeated and we move into a place of courage, passion and determination.

INQUIRY: Cast your mind back over recent weeks to when you had the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone but chose not to. Go through the questions above and get clear about what you could have achieved had you done so.

ACTION: Now look at the opportunities you have ahead of you … ask yourself the same questions … expand on them … which of your values do they call on … what is your inspiration … what motivates you to see them through to the extent that you cannot not carry through with them? Get clear about the benefits and make them a reality.

Make a habit of stepping out of your comfort zone

Visit now for information on how to live a better life!

Best wishes
