Tuesday, May 01, 2007

You Can Do Anything You Want ...

... When You Put You Mind - And Heart - To It!

Many of us are brought up with the adage that we can achieve anything providing we put our minds to it ... which is probably fair and accurate to a degree.

However, over the last year or so, I've been experiencing - both within myself and with my clients - that whilst this can certainly help us achieve what (we think) we want, it won't necessarily mean we're aspiring for what's right for us.

In other words, things like our beliefs, our ego, our personal agenda, etc, all get in the way ... and often these are the cause of us seeking to achieve and obtain "things" we believe are right for us, but in fact are nothing of the kind.

And this is where the heart steps in ... because it is the heart that so often is the source of genuine inspiration that motivates and compels into manifesting what's right for our life. It's the place where we find passion, desire, drive, tenacity, wisdom, courage, compassion, understanding, reason, and so much more ...

The great things is that when we look at these "components," we see they're all positive and productive, as opposed to many of those guided by the mind which are all too often negative and self-limiting.

So I guess what I'm saying here is that when we open our heart and connect with the reality of our lives, we're able to better understand what it is we want and how to achieve it.

What are your experiences of this?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Blog Update

I'm in the middle of having my main site, www.rightlifecoaching.co.uk re-designed, and as a result much of the blog content is being migrated over here.

Full content should be live within a couple of days - it's sitting in storage at present ...

Thanks for reading this update ...


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

What happens when we choose to remain in the realm of our comfort zone? We neglect to take the opportunities that could otherwise expand our lives and create more joy, more value, and more benefit for both ourselves and others. The result? We remain where we are, forever wondering about how much greater our life would be if only we were to break free of our self-imposed shackles. The solution? To smash through the gremlin of self-doubt by understanding the values of courage, passion and determination.

Are You?

Wishing You Could Break Through Whatever’s Holding You Back?
Frustrated That You Could Be Achieving So Much More?
Prepared To Challenge Yourself?

Begin making the transformation today!

What’s In It For You?

Leave Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Behind
Make A Difference In Yourself And Others
Create Opportunities And Expand Your Horizons

By stepping out of our comfort zone, we find ourselves “stepping up to the plate” and revealing more and more of our innate potential. No longer do we look at ourselves through the lens of doubt, instead we wake up to the reality of our life and see the greatness that only we can manifest.

How do we achieve this? Simple – we get clear about our values and inspirations and transform them into compelling motivators for change. To begin with we ask questions of ourselves including: “What difference is it going to make?” “Who are the beneficiaries?” and “What opportunities may arise as a result?” This is where our values show up … then our inspirations … then over time, these turn into compelling factors that motivate us to the extent that we cannot not carry through with them. Result – the gremlin gets defeated and we move into a place of courage, passion and determination.

INQUIRY: Cast your mind back over recent weeks to when you had the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone but chose not to. Go through the questions above and get clear about what you could have achieved had you done so.

ACTION: Now look at the opportunities you have ahead of you … ask yourself the same questions … expand on them … which of your values do they call on … what is your inspiration … what motivates you to see them through to the extent that you cannot not carry through with them? Get clear about the benefits and make them a reality.

Make a habit of stepping out of your comfort zone

Visit www.rightlifecoaching.co.uk now for information on how to live a better life!

Best wishes


Monday, March 26, 2007

Learn To Apply The Fundamentals Of Respect (Part 1)

What happens when we constantly forsake our own wellbeing to be of service to others? We risk denying ourselves the opportunity to strengthen and develop our own existence by neglecting the value of our self-worth. The result? We fail to recognise the potential inherent in our own lives and subsequently open ourselves to constantly being taking advantage of. The solution? To respect our own lives so as to recognise when it is appropriate to give time and energy to ourselves rather than to everything and everyone around us.

Are You?

Giving Too Much Time And Attention To People Around You?
Always Putting Others First?
Realising It’s Time To Think Of Yourself For Once?

Begin making the transformation today!

What’s In It For You?

Learn The Value Of Self-Respect
Recognise Your True Worth
Expand Your Life

By learning the value of self-respect, we learn to respect the value of “self”. In other words, we raise our awareness of self-identity; our inner wealth; our uniqueness. Instead of heading down the road to resentment and frustration, we illuminate the path to fulfilling our potential and recognising our worth.

How do we achieve this? Simple – we take a step back from being of constant service to others and examine what it is we’re neglecting in our everyday life. For example, are we letting ourselves be taken advantage of? Are we kidding ourselves into believing that by constantly giving to others through good intentions that we really are doing the right thing? Are we denying ourselves the opportunity to BE ourselves – to live in accord with our core ethics, values and principles? If so, then we need to stand up and start BEING true to ourselves. Result – we strengthen our self-identity to the degree that we better understand our role, our purpose and our value.

INQUIRY: Take a look at some recent occasions when you forsook your own wellbeing to be of service to others. Which of these opportunities could have been better served by you putting yourself first? If a similar opportunity were to arise again, what would you do differently? What would be the benefit to yourself and those around you?

ACTION: For the next thirty days, put these new realisations into practice. In addition get in touch with your core values, ethics and principles - explore what they mean to you and put them into practice also. All in all, learn to feel what it means to be true to yourself and strengthen your resolve in achieving this.

Make A Habit Of Learning To Apply The Fundamentals Of Respect (Part 1)

Visit www.rightlifecoaching.co.uk now for information on how to live a better life!

Best wishes


Monday, March 19, 2007

Discover The Benefits Of Expressing Gratitude

What happens when we neglect to feel and show gratitude for all the “things” we have in life – both the good and the not so good? We send out a statement that says:” Look at me - I don’t appreciate what I already have, therefore what right do I have to expect more of the same or better?” The result? We receive less abundance and benefit and understanding than we would otherwise deserve … and risk becoming more and more greedy and needy, or resentful and begrudging. The solution? To discover how expressing gratitude for everything in our life is in fact a way of accepting challenge as well welcoming further growth and abundance.

EXERCISE: Wheel of Gratitude

The Good Things In Life

This exercise is about creating a picture of all the “things” you are grateful for and appreciative of in life. Once complete, it will serve to deepen your understanding of where you are right this moment, and where you want to be.

Print a copy of the illustration below. List inside each segment all the things you are grateful for, including both the good and the not so good. Duplicates are allowed, e.g. you may include ‘best friend’ in both Family & Friends and Environment.

Once you’ve completed all the areas, take another look and add anything else that comes to mind.

Taking each area in turn, describe how you feel about the things you’ve listed. How much do they mean to you? What impact do they have on your life? How can they help you now and in the future?

Sample replies may include: Lucky … thankful … grateful … happy … okay …appreciative … average … challenging … valuable … important … lessons learned … could be better … better than it was … close … privileged … excited …

Elaborate on your comments.

What More Do You Want?

Take another look at the illustration and in the space around the outside, list the things you want to improve or develop or add to your life for each segment.

Circle those that are most important to you right now. Describe the impact they would have on your life and environment. What are the benefits and values?

What actions are you taking? What causes are you making? And how much do you have to change your attitude to gratitude in order to help manifest them?

For the next thirty days, turn the above into a plan of action and make it a reality. Get ready to welcome greater abundance, opportunity and growth into your life.

Make A Habit Of Expanding Your Life Through The Expression Of Gratitude

www.rightlifecoaching.co.uk now for information on how to live a better life!

Best Wishes


"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." Cicero

Monday, March 12, 2007

Transform Negative "Reactions" Into Positive "Proactions"

What happens when we let ourselves become dominated by negative responses to life, e.g. destructive behaviour patterns, negative emotions, apathy, etc? We find ourselves getting “worked up,” often to the detriment of our own wellbeing as well as to those around us. The result? We risk becoming increasingly angry and bitter about aspects of our life that we believe we have little or no control over. The solution? To explore the reality behind these actions and emotions, and transform them into positive causes.

Are You?

Too Easily “Affected” By Your Environment?
Guilty Of Feeling Anger And/Or Resentment?
Often Letting Yourself And Others Down As A Result?

Begin making the transformation today!

What’s In It For You?

Discover The Reality Behind These “Reactions”
Develop Ways Of Recognising And Countering Them
Master How To Transform Them Into Positive and Proactive Causes

By learning to transform our negative “reactions” into positive “proactions”, we create a far healthier state of physical and emotional wellbeing for ourselves and our environment. In turn, we become increasingly capable and responsible as individuals, and when faced with greater challenges we automatically find ourselves better equipped to deal with them and move on.

How do we achieve this? Simple – first we have to acknowledge what it is that’s encouraging us to react in this way and then turn it around so as to create something more positive. For example, instead of reacting aggressively to a particular comment, we can learn to respond more appropriately by understanding what triggered that reaction coupled with its negative impact on ourselves and our environment. As soon as we’ve got to grips with the cause, we’re able to turn it on its head and understand what it is we need to be or do differently. Another example: instead of responding with a defeatist, “I can’t do anything about it,” try saying, “I understand it’s been difficult in the past, but this time I’m going to look at alternatives.” Result – in addition to becoming far happier and resilient in ourselves, we naturally radiate the benefits of such actions to others.

INQUIRY: Take a look back at some recent situations when you allowed yourself to react negatively or angrily. What triggered this behaviour? What were your emotions and feelings before, during and after? Had you responded in a more proactive manner, what would you have done differently and what would have been the outcome?

ACTION: For the next thirty days, explore the reality that’s causing you to react negatively to your life and your environment. Learn from the above and check in with any emotions and feelings. Get to grips with what it is you need to be and do differently and put it into action. Notice the difference you create within yourself and those around you.

Make A Habit Of Transforming Negative "Reactions" Into Positive "Proactions"

Visit www.rightlifecoaching.co.uk/ now for information on how to live a better life!

Best Wishes


“Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility.” Albert Einstein

Monday, March 05, 2007

Learn To Build And Trust In InterDependent Relationships

What happens when we feel the need to impress by trying to “do it all” ourselves? We let ego get in the way of reality, and subsequently place pressure on ourselves. The result? We take on too much and end up making mistakes or failing to get things done “as and when expected.” In turn, we invite ridicule and judgment from ourselves, our friends and family, and our colleagues. The solution? To build relationships with those around us so to collectively share our skills, experience and resource.

Are You?

Constantly Trying To Impress By Taking On Too Much?
Thinking You Can “Do It All?”
Listening To Your Ego Instead Of Your Integrity?

Begin making the transformation today!

What’s In It For You?

Develop And Strengthen New And Existing Relationships
Discover The Benefits Of Sharing Wisdom And Responsibility
Learn How Collaboration Is Key To Success

By learning to work and share with others, we develop greater trust and understanding in ourselves, and greater respect and appreciation for our environment. In turn, we build positive and constructive alliances that produce valuable and proactive solutions for all concerned.

How do we achieve this? Simple – we push our ego to one side and acknowledge what it is we “bring to the table” and what it is we need assistance with. In doing so we move ourselves into a place of integrity that encourages genuine results through collaboration, thus preventing our ego dictating what we must to do to impress (either ourselves or someone else). Result – our natural-self radiates both within and without, attracting both greater relationships and greater opportunities.

INQUIRY: Take a look back at some recent occasions where you tried “doing it all” for the sake of making an impression. How often and how much did you let your ego dictate? What were the outcomes? Had you been coming more from a place of integrity what could you have done differently?

ACTION: For the next thirty days, be open and honest with yourself when faced with such opportunities. If your ego leaps in asking to be fed, shove it to one side and look at where you can collaborate for greater success. Notice how by revealing your integrity you naturally develop a stronger relationship with yourself and with those around you.

Make A Habit Of Learning To Build And Trust In InterDependent Relationships

Visit www.rightlifecoaching.co.uk/ now for information on how to live a better life!
Best Wishes

“Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful,” Samuel Johnson